Jun 25, 2019
The week of June 24th is National Triathlon Week, so I’m doing a series of podcasts, videos and posts about triathlon. Yesterday, I started the week off telling the story of the summer my friends and I did our first triathlon. It was fun because everything was new and we had this epic adventure together.
Today, I am talking about the excuses we make that hold us back. Because, even though it seemed like everyone was on board, so many of these things popped up for us, and continue to pop up even this year. So I am going to cover the most common reasons people avoid taking part in a triathlon—and tell you my tips for moving past those obstacles. Now, if you truly aren’t even the slightest bit curious, that’s a whole different story. This episode is for those of you who are on the fence. This one is for the people who really want to try, but need a little encouragement.
Kim's website: www.crushingmygoals.com
Kim's Instagram
Contact Kim at CoachKim@thepowerofrun.com
Listen to all the episodes in this NATIONAL TRIATHLON WEEK series!
Frequently Asked Triathlon Questions
Demystifying Your First Triathlon Race Day
Coach Kim Peek is a USAT certified triathlon coach and a USATF certified running coach She is also certified by Lydiard, RRCA and Healthy Running and holds a number of group fitness certifications, including functional aging specialist and breast cancer exercise specialist. She would love to be YOUR coach! email her at coachkim@thepowerofrun.com to chat about your situation and see if you are a good fit for each other!